There are foods that can have a negative impact on memory, cognitive processes, and emotional health. High glycemic index foods can have a detrimental impact on the brain resulting in emotional health impairment and increased risk of depression. A 2015 study published in the American Journal of...
For the best fat burning results, cardiovascular target heart rates should be used. To determine a target heart rate for an apparently healthy person with controlled risk factors and not using any medication that affects heart rate and dynamics will use age predicted maximum heart rate or APMHR to...
There are several benefits of resistance training for all populations. Muscle atrophy and strength loss are known to occur with age. Muscle atrophy as we age is well documented and presents health concerns to an aging population regarding quality of life and health status. Age related decrements in...
Aspects of body composition such as amount and distribution of body fat as well as amount and composition of lean body mass are now understood to be important outcomes in adults, infants, and children. Body composition is a key component of health for both individuals and populations. A perpetual...
Catabolism or catabolic means the breakdown of complex molecules to simpler ones with release of energy or destructive metabolism. Catabolism is the process of transforming chemical fuels such as glucose into energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate or ATP. Catabolic hormones include...
Anabolism and anabolic means the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones with the storage of energy or constructive metabolism. The processes produce growth and differentiation of cells, increase in body size, and involve synthesis of complex molecules. Anabolic hormones in the human body...
The United States of America is a great country and this is not a political debate. This country is not among the healthiest populations despite many medical advances. The purpose of this article is not to be critical, but rather discuss health and longevity. Our country seems to have the magic...
The following question has been asked to me many times. If an individual is doing both resistance training and cardiovascular exercise, which one should be done first? For body composition, it makes little difference. Resistance training depletes glycogen stores, so it makes sense to train it first...
A friend of mine was getting prepared for a figure competition and asked me to do a skinfold analysis to determine her body fat. Of course, I agreed to help her because she was very nice and an exceptional athlete. She was six weeks from the show. The body fat was fifteen percent which sent her...
Vibration platforms have been proven to increase circulation, flexibility, strength, and power. These platforms provide mechanical stimuli which make the muscle spindle proprioceptors respond as it was being overstretched by eliciting a neural impulse for the muscle fiber to contract. This response...